I see you all posting over there…

Reading Aloud  (aka The Artist's Family) by Hanna Hirsch-Pauli (date unknown)

Reading Aloud (aka The Artist’s Family) by Hanna Hirsch-Pauli (date unknown)

We are having some friends over later, and I really should be getting me and my condo ready, but I’ve been working on one of my “special projects”. You know, the ones you love so well. (Hey, I can dream.)

I know people say this all the time, but I don’t hardly watch TV. We occasionally watch movies. We play video games. I watch The Walking Dead with Henry and T. We also watch Game of Thrones (I’m a huge fan of the books), and T and I are in the midst of watching Breaking Bad.

Ok, I guess it sounds like a lot when it’s listed out that way, but I think, on the whole, it’s not too bad. My TV is off now and probably will be for most of the day. You wanna know what we do? I’ll tell you, but please try to contain your enthusiasm…

We read out loud to each other. I swear we do. Even when the kids are away or sleeping, T and I will read to each other–by electric light, NOT tallow candles.

So… I had this crazy idea that some of you might like to be read aloud to. I know. I KNOW. I had to get it out of my system, though, so just bear with me on this.

I decided to try a little experiment. Using a crappy microphone and Movie Maker I made a quick little YouTube video in which I read A Royal Birthday. (See? I picked a really short one.) The sound quality is, frankly, shit. The sibilance certainly sounds sensational. /sarcasm. However, if you like this idea of having me read some of the poems aloud, then… Well, I might just have access to some slightly more sophisticated sound equipment since T is a musician. (How’s THAT for sibilance?) I am also considering reading Oh, bring back my Dotty to me (a love letter).

If you have the time, click the linky thing above. It will take you to the original post which has been updated to include the video. And please let me know what your thoughts. I can take it. 🙂

P.S. And prepare for an avalanche of comments and likes and whatnot later tonight. You thought I forgot; didn’t you?

P.P.S. I seem to have NO SOUND when I play the video from WP. I know it works in YouTube, though, because I checked that shite, yo. :/  If it doesn’t work for you, please click the little YouTube button in the right hand corner of the YouTube screen.

14 thoughts on “I see you all posting over there…

  1. Fun idea to record your poem! (I could never do that because I don’t like my voice… it took me nine tries to get the outgoing voice mail message set on my work phone… haven’t changed it in six years 🙂 )


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